Dcontrol provides commercial truck and trailer plate check based on a vehicle`s past DOT inspection history.


Reports and Complaints

You can leave a report or complaint if you witness unsafe driving of a vehicle with a license plate UB82160 . By leaving a report or complaint, you will help bring an unsafe driver to justice and will make the road safer and could decrease the number of injuries and fatalities including trucks

None   USDOT 3321921
Duffield, VA, 24244
Date State Unit Make Vin
21-FEB-24 VA Dodge 3D6WU7EL6BG624078

Inspection Date 21-FEB-24 Report# KYCV42864733

Inspection Id: 728130096
Inspection date: 21-FEB-24
Inspection State: KY
Number of violations: No
Inspection Status: Walk-around
Time weight of the inspection: 3
Hazmat violations: 3
Hazmat placard required: Y
Hazmat violations:
Unsafe Driving inspection : Y
Hours-of-Service inspection: Y
Driver Fitness inspection: Y
Alcohol Controlled Subst : Y
Vehicle Maintenance inspection: Y
Hazmat inspection: Y

Vehicle Information for Inspection Report# KYCV42864733

Unit Unit Type Unit Make Unit State License Plate Unit VIN
1 STRAIGHT TRUCK Dodge VA UB82160 3D6WU7EL6BG624078
Unit Type
Unit Make
Unit State
License Plate
Unit VIN
Make Model Year Vehicle Type Body Class

Previously searched license plates

Last Checked Plates With Photo

Dcontrol provides commercial truck and trailer license plates check based on a vehicle`s past DOT inspection history.

Please be aware that the information obtained using Dcontrol.com searches may not always be accurate and up to date as we do not create, verify, or guarantee the accuracy or the amount of information provided through Dcontrol.com. Data availability is largely dependent on various public sources from which the information is aggregated. By using the services offered through this website you agree to comply with all of the conditions set forth in our terms and privacy disclosure. The information obtained from Dcontrol.com is not to be used for any unlawful purposes. Violators may be subject to civil and criminal litigation and penalties. All searches are subject to our terms and applicable laws.